Sunday, March 30, 2014

TESOL Portland Lists: Reflecting on the Week

Some of the high points of this week were

  • reconnecting with my dear friend Patricia Dyer
  •  my first f2f meeting with Jose Antonio da Silva, my fellow EVO coordinator and webhead friend since 2007 (we had a great time on the Best of Portland Walking Tour!)
  • the Walking Tour itself (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
  • Spending quality time with JA and Laine on Wednesday
  • Dinner "with the girls" at Bridgeport BrewPub on Friday night
  • Karen and Shirley's Color Vowel Chart presentation on Friday afternoon
  • and of course seeing so many webheads: Vance, Jane, Carla, Evelyn, Miguel, Rick, Barb, Christine, Elizabeth, Claire and others 

There were some low points as well:
  • falling (twice!)
  • the weather (wet!)
  • my Classics Fair presentation (with Elizabeth) on the EVO--I wish that it had been better attended and that the webcast had worked. :-(
And some regrets:

But overall, it was a great convention! Thanks again for visiting the blog. See you next year (wia-in-toronto)!


  1. Nina! I'm not sure how we managed to miss each other this year! I'm glad to see that you had a great time in Portland. See you next year!

    1. Well, if you were as busy as you were last year, it's not all that surprising, but I was sorry when I heard you can had and left. Happy to know your health is better! And yes, let's try again in Toronto.

  2. Just read through your blog, Nina, nice!

    Sure hope to make next year's convention,

    Fun to read up on your adventures and shenanigans!


    Glorious day today, finally. Sure hope this glimpse of spring does not turn out to be an April Fool's joke!
    Snow begone!


    1. Thanks, Holly!
      Yep, glorious afternoon (friggin' COLD this morning at 6:45)--just got back from a walk with hubby.
